Posts Tagged ‘harley and ivy’


The Bigger Man

June 20, 2012


It’s classic Brains v Brawn – Riddler versus Bane – in the latest installment of The Gotham Rogues: The Bigger Man

The Gotham Rogues Chapter 8
on the Cat-Tales website

And the mobile-friendly mirror


Blogtalking about Batman, Catwoman and all things Gotham (What else is new?)

October 28, 2011

I had such a blast last night appearing as a guest on Blogtalk Radio and talking about all things Catwoman: Purple Catwoman, Reboot Catwoman, Catwoman and Batman, all the actresses who’ve played Catwoman in the movies… well you get the idea. Seriously though, we talked about other stuff. Harley, Ivy, Joker… Meow
Cat-Tales Author Chris Dee on The Dark Knight Rises Catwoman, the DC Comics Reboot, purple Catwoman costumes, and all things Batman
You can download the podcast here.