Posts Tagged ‘payback’


Zogger, Zoophilly and Zeitgeist

June 26, 2013

We all love Selina, but she does have a nasty streak that we haven’t seen in a while, and it’s stretching like a cat after a long nap.

“I said I was a patient cat, I am.  I said I would wait, I did.  He betrayed my friendship, betrayed my trust.  And now… he is going… to pay.”
-Selina Kyle in the last chapter of Inside an Enigma.

Now the new installment is here…


Cat-Tales: Inside an Enigma 5: Zogger, Zoophilly and Zeitgeist

…And if I were Edward Nigma, I’d be very worried right now.

Inside an Enigma: Zogger, Zoophilly and Zeitgeist on the Cat-Tales website and mobile-friendly