Posts Tagged ‘riddler’


Cat-Tales: The Gotham Rogues – Chapter 6: Against Belief

April 10, 2012

Cat-Tales: The Gotham Rogues – Chapter 6: Against Belief

You knew it was close when the trailer went up yesterday.  Now it’s here.  On the official Cat-Tales website, natch, and the mobile-friendly mirror  Enjoy.


The Gotham Rogues: Watch the Tigers Fight

April 9, 2012

batman-bane-the-gotham-roguesIt’s the video trailer for the next installment of  Cat-Tales: The Gotham Rogues – Against Belief

Gotham has been torn by war before between The Gotham Rogues and the Gotham Mobs, in The Dark Knight, in The Long Halloween, but the war between Batman’s theme villains and organized crime has never played out quite like it’s happening in Cat-Tales.


And so it begins… After Coffee

February 27, 2012

The Gotham Rogues Chapter 5: And So It Begins

It’s a tricky business being the one-woman marketing department for an operation like Cat-Tales.  See, I had a plan.  Come backstage with me for a minute, pay  no attention to the madman spattering paint over there on the Occupy Gotham set.  It means nothing.

Okay, so, it’s a new chapter day, and I had a plan.  There’s the link to the chapter on the main Cat-Tales site and on the mobile-friendly mirror, that’s two links for me to be a-posting.  There’s the Cat-Tales Facebook Page and then there’s my personal profile, and I think it’s tedious and annoying to be posting the same things in both places within seconds of each other.  So what I like to do is give a little teaser on my profile while the CT page gets the links, then I go on and send out the newsletter, post on the forum, etc. etc. and finally go back to Facebook and share the link on the profile.

I had my teaser all picked out, or at least narrowed down.  The title of the chapter is: And So It Begins, a reference, of course, to this moment


Nothing says the long built up war is finally upon us like those 4 little words: And So It Begins

I didn’t expect to actually find it on YouTube, but it’s there, along with this rather haunting piece of music with the same title:

No doubt the same allusion.  It’s the phrase of choice to indicate a war against the rising darkness.  Joe Straczynski did the same on Babylon 5.

So anyway, I teased the new chapter day and shared the link, got on with my day, uploaded the new chapters, went about sharing that link on Facebook, Twitter, sent newsletter, posted in forum and… uh, oops… turns out I didn’t share the video on my profile after all.

Have I ever mentioned what a total mess I am before coffee?  I was logged in to post on the Cat-Tales PAGE when I shared the video, so it went up there along with the chapter links.  That’s perfectly obvious now, but before Gevalia’s caffeine lube has worked its magic on my brain, you should have seen me trying to figure out why the damn thing I KNEW I had posted was. not. there.

Moral: don’t try to facebook before coffee.  Just, don’t.

Oh, yeah, the new chapter, right.  Cat-Tales #65:  The Gotham Rogues, Chapter 5: And So It Begins on the Cat-Tales website and mobile-friendly


Cat-Tales: The Gotham Rogues – A Knight at the Opera

February 1, 2012

I can’t really compete with the video tease we had a few days ago, so let’s get straight to the links.  The latest installment of The Gotham Rogues is here, it’s Chapter 4: A Knight at the Opera.  In addition to Selina, whom you’ve seen, this chapter features Bruce Wayne, a touch of Gotham History, The Riddler (universally known as Eddie among Cat-Tales cognoscenti), Carmine Falcone, and oh yes, that big hulking guy, Bane.

It's the Gotham Rogues v. The Gotham Mobs in Cat-Tales latest, starring Selina Kyle, Bruce Wayne and Bane

The Gotham Rogues: A Knight at the Opera at Main Cat-Tales Website and mobile-friendly mirror


The Gotham Rogues – Chapter 3

January 19, 2012

It’s here, as promised.

Carmine Falcone tried to blow up Two-Face and Poison Ivy.  He tried to assassinate The Joker.  Did he really think The Gotham Rogues would run away to Jersey?

On an unrelated note (is it?) this is Catwoman’s favorite gargoyle, right down the street from the Wayne Tower.  Anyone who saw Cat-Tales knows that, including Batman.

The Gotham Rogues Chapter 3: Batman, Catwoman, Bane, Mobs versus the Rogues

Read The Gotham Rogues at
or mobile-friendly




Batman and Catwoman and All Things Gotham

October 28, 2011

Listen to
internet radio with Allaine on Blog Talk Radio

Blogtalking about Batman, Catwoman and all things Gotham (What else is new?)

October 28, 2011

I had such a blast last night appearing as a guest on Blogtalk Radio and talking about all things Catwoman: Purple Catwoman, Reboot Catwoman, Catwoman and Batman, all the actresses who’ve played Catwoman in the movies… well you get the idea. Seriously though, we talked about other stuff. Harley, Ivy, Joker… Meow
Cat-Tales Author Chris Dee on The Dark Knight Rises Catwoman, the DC Comics Reboot, purple Catwoman costumes, and all things Batman
You can download the podcast here.


The Color of Catwoman

July 20, 2011

The Color of is a fascinating new website “to find the colour of anything.” Give it a word or a phrase and it searches through Flickr, selects its best matches, and ingeniously manages to combine them without making mud.

The Definitive Color of Catwoman, Classic Catwoman Purple

The result are some lovely canvases that would look right at home on the wall of an art museum, and that’s exactly what we’ve done at The Gotham Museum of Modern Art at The Cat-Tales Visitor Center in Second LifeThe Color of Gotham exhibit gives The Color of treatment to many familiar names associated with Batman, as well as items like the Batsignal, Batarangs and the city itself.  Those who cannot visit the museum in digitized person can enjoy this slideshow.

Art Museum The Color of Gotham Exhibition Classic Catwoman Purple the definitive catwoman color

Click to view slideshow

While the Color of Gotham exhibit at the MoMA will run through the summer, the Rogues Gallery Masks will be on display at the Visitor Center itself only for the duration of the current Cat-Tale: Comedy of Errors.